Make a candle

Gepubliceerd op 30 december 2022 om 10:27

This item was crossed off with the help of dear Santa. 


So this year we did a secret Santa with the family for the holidays. I pulled my sister-in-law's name and when watching her list I saw a candle in it. Our budget was 30 euros and a decent candle is around 25, but just giving a candle is pretty boring, so my mind started working (yeah it does that sometimes) and I thought, 'what if I just make my own candles?'. All the material was pretty much around the same price as a new candle but I could make several from them and make some for myself AND I would be able to cross off another item from my list. How do they say that 'Killing two flies with one stone?', sounds about right. 


So I ordered the next items: 

- Candle wax

- Colouring

- Essential oils

- Candle wicks

- Glass container (I used old candle containers)


Normally you also need a thermometer because if the wax gets too hot it can burst into flames, but hey, living on the edge here. I was surprised that I didn't need that many materials. I ordered them at Pipoos. It's a great site to order crafting stuff and would recommend it. (Not sponsored, always wanted to say that mhauhau). 

So after already 2 days all the materials arrived and I could begin the making. I had this idea of a layered candle where every layer had another scent. I recommend following a step-by-step tutorial to make candles, but like always I just started head first and experimented on my own. Who needs guides right? 


After 20 minutes of stirring the wax and adding color and scent, I had my first layer. It was messy. I repeated this every time the previous layers cooled down and there it was. My very first self-made candle. So proud and happy with the result and I think the person that received it was also happy. 

Yes, that's a chopstick I used for stirring. 




First layer, white: Vanilla (heaven!)

Second layer, pink: Jasmine

Third layer, purple: Lavender

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